The symbol of the Black Eagle in Alchemy, the Zos Kia Cultus,

Maat Magick and Incan Sorcery


by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule




  As shoulderblades  are stretched back and out with intense force, manipulated by strong hands to release prana captured and congealed in the crevices of folded flesh, my Great Black Wings unfurl with slow and gradual majesty.  IO BAPHOMETIS! Double serpents twining, climbing Double-Wanded MeduZeus spine to erupt Gorgonic from the Back of the Head,  Alpha-Omega AZOTH Black Eagle Condor wings spread wide... what's inside??



 'It all became quite absurd, multiple tracks of information overloading my fractured psyche. I began stuffing things into filing cabinets in an attempt to order the chaos, actual visual compartments forming to enfold and compress the different segments of morphing data, but the more chaos I ordered, the more I was served, and soon I began to laugh and laugh, rolling about on the rock until I almost rolled off its dramatic edge and dropped off into the physical abyss below, which startled me halfway back to my (usual sense of) senses...' 

     -extract from Ayahuasca trip journal, March 2000, Huaynu Picchu, Peru.



 …In my altered state, however, the fact that I almost rolled off the edge of the great flat rock platform atop 'Young Mountain' (Waynu Picchu, sister of Macchu Picchu, 'Old Mountain') only made me laugh even harder, so much so in fact that I began to roll around again and almost rolled off the other side of the great rock... I muse, as I sit intent in conversation with Jada in tent of Chai and ganga -that perhaps we are so unafraid of death in such a state because Ayahuasca releases the same intense barrage of hallucinogenic chemicals from the brain as physical death. So perhaps some part of us thinks we are already dead, or at least knows that death is no threat but just, 'A great mutation to our next selves' (as AOS coined it). In such a state of intense freedom, death can be but another absurdity in our increasing glimpses of multiverses of infinite permutations of surreality...


 'What would happen if you did actually fall off the edge of the mountain...?' wonders Jada -who had instigated my own recollections by his story of someone on Ayahuasca laughing as they swayed backwards into a fire -though as if by the same magickal protection (of the plants' own spirit?) their back though slightly burnt was not really damaged. '...Would you just bounce down to the bottom leaving a trail of snagged branches and pummeled foliage like some cartoon character testing the limits of IMProbability by landing relatively unharmed from your rapid descent...?'


  Or perhaps, I countered, I would have just landed in the soft embrace of the thick cloud layer below my position on the top of Huanu Picchu ('Young Mountain'), claws stretching out to nestle in their spongey surface as I alight amidst the other Condors, great black eagles hunched in a ring upon the white mantles of the atmosphere?

 My brain was slipping into an Ayahuasca-like understanding as I reminisced upon the trip, and the above scenario I had spontaneously postulated suddenly seemed a natural extension of my  experience in the Andes, a parallel reality of equal validity...


  Thus it was that I began to recall once again the power of the Condor, the shamanic totem whose flight above and beyond the cloud layers can blur into the mists of myth...



 This set off a chain of reMembrances which connect Incan shamanism and its primary symbol of the eight-fold Incan Cross with the Egyptian Sphinx, HruMachis, the primary 8-fold Tantric Yantra, the Kia, the Maat Current of Magick, and the Alchemical symbol of the Alpha and Omega  -the AZOTh or 'Black Eagle', which is also the name of the Native American sorceror Austin Osman Spare claimed to have been his spirit guide. This web of interconnectivity is herein presented: ...


  In my own magickal efforts to contact the spirit known as Black Eagle I felt it as an aspect of the Deity Baphomet, who since Eliphas Levi's classic picture has been depicted and described as having Great Black Wings. Spare himself drew  a wonderful rendition of Baphomet with these majestic pinions, and one wonders if he also associated the two?

  Of course my primary experience of Black Eagle was in the context of a greater spell which involved the direct invocation of Baphomet, so it is unsurprising that I associate them:

 The spirit of Black Eagle came as a great black silhouette -a living shadow of sorts- and alighted on my chest, where its talons sank deep into my flesh, melding into my skin, until I had absorbed the entire shadowy bird within.

  Then the wings burst out my back, as my head morphed into that of a goat, great horns spiralling up and out from my hairy black forehead.

  In the physical realm I had donned the skin of Mandrake the Goat, a deceased familiar who had burnt down a house I used to live in in the rainforests of New South Wales (see IMPious #2), which had wedgetail-eagle wings sewn into it at shoulder-level. I now felt as if I had sloughed off most of my regular human skin in favour of this Baphometic montage, as I tattooed a sigil of the Word of Maat IPSOS on my upper chest with a feather Quill.

   So it was an interesting confirmation when sending the transmission that resulted from this rite (Liber Pennae-Ultim-Atum: to Maatian priestess Nema, that she revealed in reply that in her vision of the 'priest of Maat' receiving this Word upon his skin he actually placed his own hide upon the altar quite literally. When a few moonths later I saw her painting of this vision, I was moved to find the form of Baphomet within the 'quillplume' therein.


 Which brings me to my next point -the very point of the Quill, from which the Ink of inspiration drips forth: The distinct connections between the modern magickal current of Maat (as expounded by Frater Achad, Nema, Kenneth Grant)  and that of AOSpare's Zos Kia Kultus:

 Spare uses the Vulture as a symbol for the Kia (his term for the 'atmospheric I' or realm of spirit) in several of his magickal pictures, and the vulture is also Maut, an Egyptian Goddess of both death and motherhood (vultures are very proctective of their young), whose great black form in Nema's Liber Pennae Praenumbra ( faces the gathered priesthood with 'gorestained beak'  to confirm 'each has made of death a brother'. Maut the vulture is a form of Maat, and it is through Her mysteries that the Kia is apprehended. For  what but Death -whether of a physical, mystical or sexual ('the little death' of orgasm) nature- can lead one to the spirit realms?


  One of Spare's few direct  uses of the Egyptian pantheon (his usual preference being for his own unique individual system) is his employment of the Godforms Bes (a dwarf-God also important to the Maatian gnosis) and Maut in his 'Bes-na-Maut' rite of transubstantiation by facing 'the ugly ecstasies'.

   Could it be then that the ZosKia famulus 'Black Eagle' is related then to the Vulture as a symbol of the Kia?  And yet there is another great black bird which brings these two even closer together -a dark bird of prey which has attributes of both eagle and vulture: The Condor, that sentinel of shamanic consciousness in the journeywork of Incan and other South American sorceries.

 The human sorceror, 'Black Eagle' whose spirit Spare was in contact with, was apparently an American Indian shaman, very evident in AOS' portrait of this Medicine Man. But was he perhaps a South rather than North American Indian shaman, a human avatar of the Condor or Black Eagle?




  Spare was obviously not ignorant of the Arts of Alchemy and its esoteric symbolism, and his use of an alchemical term to name his 'spirit guide' is probably not arbitrary (yet not necessarily  a fully conscious decision either!) -for the Black Eagle in Alchemy symbolizes the AZOTh, or first and last, and Spare's primary Evocation is his, 'Alpha-Omega Evocation'. AZOTh is the principal of beginning and end as one, for the Word is made of the first letters of the three primary ancient alphabets (Arabic/English A, Greek Alpha, Hebrew Aleph) and the last letters of the same (Arabic/English Z, Greek Omega, Hebrew Tau). This is the principle of opposites meeting, of apparent polarites being ultimately equable. It is the formula behind Spare's Alphabet of Desire and the underpinning of much of his work, and a Sabbatic Tradition that has been continued through the works of Andrew Chumbley in his, 'AZOETIA' (Xoanan).  Like the Order of ChAOS, Chumbley's Cultus Sabbatai are one of the contemporary  heirs of the Zos Kia gnosis, while the Maat current  runs parallel and congruent.




        The Complete AZOTh Essay, including visual and textual presentation of ‘The HruMachis Yantra’,  appears in

SilKMilK s p o o l # 2