Photo (c)21 Simon Dow


is a ChaOrder Magician and Baphometic avatar somewhat obsessed with physical reification and Malkuthian manifestation. While s/he does enjoy shamanic and astral journeys, s/he is not content to just travel to other dimensions, rather enjoying bringing back aspects of them to the physical plane.
S/he is thus constantly reburbishing hir Temple, that is the physical form seen as a malleable tool: Physical mutations as magickal acts (chakra piercing and weaving, Tattoo Tarot Tantra...), Body Art, Sex Magic and Environment Sculpting.

As a vessel for these processes and others, hir Metamorphic Ritual Theatre Company presents public rituals aiming to transform rather than merely entertain the audiences - who thus be-come the initiates, sometimes being led through environmental installations (such as Labyrinths woven through the woods) while interacting directly with other characters.
Such ritual theatre is infused with symbology gleaned from Orryelle's studies and practises in alchemy and various mythologies (especially Egyptian, Hindu, Norse and Greek).

Other ongoing outlets of expression and obsession are the ever-expanding digital archives and galleries of The Mutation Parlour; and the underlying/overflying HermAphroditic ChAOrder of The Silver Dusk, a global multicultural and multisubcultural blend of tradition and innovation.

With its emphasis on ART (in all its diverse forms) as the prime menstruum of Magick, The Silver Dusk are one of the major heirs of The Zos Kia Kultus.
The Silver Dusk is a lunar, arachnean, artistic and intuitive response and counterpoint to the more solar and structured magick of the Golden Dawn and their heirs. The Silver Dusk culminates the Cosmic Day of contemporary magical revival begun with the Golden Dawn, as a Cosmic Night unfolds...

A prolific visual and sonic artist, Orryelle finds drawing, painting, sculpture, theatre, animation, verse, video, violin and voice effective ways of earthing magickal currents.

He co-developed with other ChaOrder in-it-I-ates The Choronzon Machine, a Ritual Opera and musickal-mechanical-magickal device for generating analogue fractals, is the co-ordinator of iNSPiRALink. Multimedia Press, editor of this IMPress's SilKMilK MagiZain, and created The BOOK of KAOS Tarot Deck.

One of Orryelle's major projects is the Tela Quadrivium fourfold Alchymic Bookweb progressively published by Fulgur Limited:
Sept.'08 saw the launch of 'Conjunctio' (the Red Book), the second volume 'Coagula' (the Gold Book) in Jan 2011 (both now sold out), 'Solve' (the Black Book, July 2012) and 'Distillatio' (The White/Colours Book, 2015). The last two volumes while also sold out from the publishers are still available (March 2021) from the artist-author (email [email protected])
Also the author of 'Time, Fate and Spider Magick' (Avalonia Books 2014) and contributions to various journals and magical anthologies (eg. 'XVI' and 'Datura' from Scarlet Imprint UK)

Orryelle has also been involved in The Horus-Maat Lodge, channeling Liber Pennae-Ultim-Atum and The Book of Going Back by Night.
Other initiations include the AdiNath and Aghori tantric traditions, and S/He is also the Australian ambassador of The Dionysian Underground (and therefore the founder of the Dionysian Down-Underground).

A long-term physical mutation in 2000 was HermAphroditic reification via mantra, mudra, ritual estrogen intake (for nine moonths) and urethra-stretching, culminating in hir reified Alchymic Marriage as a WoManifest Wedding Ceremony with Self.
(Some of the changes from this process have been magickally maintained since, after estrogen intake was ceased.)

Orryelle is now creating an esoteric sculpture park in the Ardennes forest of southern Belgium at hir new 'Le Chalet Crepuscule' base there, where Sabbat gatherings are also held each year.

Depicted at left with the first large statue made there, Hekate Rexchthon

Orryelle can be contacted by email: [email protected]

Bio on the Fulgur Esoterica site