Eyerish, Lena, Dharma Katrina & Keena as Maenads in Seattle USA performance. Pictures from SOLVE et COAGULA at the Esoteric Book Conference 2011







Featuring Orryelle's diSolve-ing and Coagula-ting life-size statue (originally created for the preview in Melbourne Australia, then recoagulated from silicon molds posted to Seattle USA), 'SOLVE et COAGULA' reworks and entwines ancient myths in a new musical production with black-light theatre, video projection and kinetic sculptural installation.

Orpheus beset by Maenads at the Solve dress rehearsal, Seattle Sept.2011.
Video still from footage by Shado



At the Esoteric Book Conference, two separate performances, 'SOLVE'; and/et 'COAGULA', one towards the end of each day of the conference, engaged attendees in the process of metamorphosis of Orryelle's sculptures on display throughout the Conference. Some of the sculptural transformations took place during these musical and theatrical performances, but there were progressive changes in the exhibition throughout the day also...



A small book with the verse of the production, written and illustrated by Orryelle, was made for the Conference (limited to 250 signed & numbered copies) and some are still available, along with sample pages online, Here.



Maenads in the Melbourne 2011 preview production of SOLVE et COAGULA.
Photo by Shami Kiely


O Mnemosyne
Begetter of Inspiration
Mother of Muses
Lover of Losers
Help us to reMember, to gather the Lost pieces
For when our limbs are sundered
Our body dismembered
Our head disembodied
Our ego maimed
Then may we remember
Our missing member
And the embers be blown back to flame