Lightning Flash from Kether to Malkuth on Tree of Life Machine.
JUDGEMENT/AEONS Egg Card cracks in two (in the jagged shape of the lightning-flash), revealing FOOL (again) behind it sitting in lotus position looking childlike and naked again at the Beginning of the Play.
WORLD Dancer -still with slow butoh movements- completes her cycle as she gets back to her first position parallel with the WHEEL, as the last of hir slowly unravelling garment falls away to reveal hir as a HermAphrodite.
FOOL: 'Ah, it's All One after All'
All lights and sound fade to total Darkness and Silence
CHORONZON (voice in void): '�No, it's Not�'
Put another Coin in The CHORONZON MACHINE
Images (except where noted otherwise) and text copyright (c)02 Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule
Animated Cogs courtesy of SevenOaksArt