Solo scouting

mission to Mt Shasta, Gaia's Muladhara.

3 day fast and

vision quest. Incredible journey. Harsh mountain peak,

climbing to summit in simultaneous searing sun and icy

winds. Refilling waterbottle from glacier-scrapings.

Extended Ganesha (as Lord of the Base Chakra)

mantras during and between climbing.

Extreme physical exertion, sunburn (red is the colour

of Muladhara!) and sunstroke. Almost caused an

avalanche. Extreme gnosis.

When you get high enough up the mountain you can see

how the physical landscape reifies (very Malkuth!) the

concept of Mt Shasta being the Muladhara of the

planet: The surrounding mountain ranges, rather than

going in rows or even wiggles, actually fully curl

right around Mt Shasta -the earth-serpent kundalini

coiled around the base chakra!

Pranayama at the windswept summit. Thin air. Shiva


On my third day at Mt Shasta (pretty out there by

then from fasting and exertion) I worked extensively

with the Ganesha yantra (thanks Tzimon!)drawn in the

sand. Then extended this out into a tenstar (2

interlocked pentagrams) mandala, laying the

foundations for the Malkuth working on the following

full moon. Consecrated small travelling Nritya

Ganapati idol and new DraQyl short-staff as an

Ekudanta Ganapati TuskQyl which complements my KiaQyl

feather-tipped long-staff carved from the same

5000-yr-old black hardwood. Ganesha and Thoth (consort

of Maat, whose Feather of Truth is His Quill) are the

scribes of their respective pantheons.

Got back to Mt Shasta town, ate til I had a

Ganesha-belly and felt now thoroughly grounded in the

northern hemisphere.


Nov.30th -

Tortoises everywhere -live ones at

Tzimon's in SF, Green Tortoise bus to Mt Shasta, and I

saw a tortoise in the equinoctal full moon at Mt

Shasta. An apt totem for me at the moment with my

large backpack travelling around -and perhaps a sign

not to rush my journey. The very late green tortoise

bus *from* Mt Shasta caused me to stay there another

night, and see/feel some other land on the way up. I

need to breathe and reflect along the way. The red

Indian horned God Kokopelli springs to mind -this is

His land after All! He is the burden-bearer who dances

no matter how heavy his load: the Fool Atu, Nritya

(Happy Dancer) Ganapati. In Hindu creation myths

elephants support the world -Ganesh as lord of base

chakra? These world-elephants stand on a tortoise's

back -full circle!

I have to remember not to get angry when things don't

seem to be going right -like not getting a lift to

Eugene tonight -for now I find instead I am camped

under a beautiful big old mama Willow tree, its

ground-sweeping 'weeping' branches forming a perfect

enclosure aound me. THe night is warm and I even found

an old bit of foam to put under my sleeping bag:

everything is provided. Om Ganapati Namah!

I actually needed the space tonight to write,

meditate and reflect on recent events rather than

rushing into new contacts. So there is a reason for

everyhting -I just need to fleiow with the chaos more,

knowing that there is a natural and perfect order

(Mayet) therein...

OCT.1st -

A black cat (with a white belly) crossed my

path this morning in a most unusual way -on a branch

above of the willow tree I was sleeping under as I

awoke -what a wonderful way to start the day!

OCT. 4th - After a few at first very disorientated

days in Vancouver and Portland I begin to settle in,

solidify email friendships and make new ones. Some

interesting freaks about...

Went to Mt St Helens (volcano which last erupted

just 19 years ago) and earthed in this region. Awesome

sight and feeling -the power and intense destructive

potential of Gaia's fire. Ravens wheeling and cawing

in the desolate crater.

Stuck my DraQyl shortstaff in the ground and felt a

very tangible surge of heat through my bloodstream.

Consecration by fire of the Dragon Qyl.

Read Phil's post to the Works list that night, which

led me to the 'Book of the Black Serpent' on his site.

The Netzach Qliphoth Ghoreb Zereg jumped out at me

-'Dispersing Ravens issuing from a volcano'. Both I

and Ash who was also at Mt St Helens had recently been

working with Daath. Energies seem scattered and people

leave suddenly for Canada next morning.

Oct. 6th -

1st circle for Mt Shasta working last

night. Concepts established, Lots of interest, great


OCT. 8th -

Second circle last night for the Mt

Shasta Tenstar Weaving went off!

Informal discussion and


stuff with taoist tea ceremony.

Then Zygoat's individual wonderful sonic smudging of

everyone with singing bowl brought us into focus and

out of verbal into ritual space.

We did chakra breathing meditations then chanting of

chakra tones as a group, and the sound and shakti were

at least twice as intense as at the first circle.

After that we were all tripping right out and took the

energy (unplanned) right into an extended Ganesha puja

come freeform

vocals-violin-percussion-invocations-dancing kind of

thing. Wonderful.

Did HML initiation ritual for Zygoat afterwards.

Powerful, tarot and bibliomancy spot on for current


Weird dreams, half woke up and sat up chanting while

still half-astral. Today realized it is part of the

integration of the six bodies in the Sekhem current I

am beginning to attune to.

Thought about doing a banishing of the Ravens of

Dispersion but the silly paradox of 'banishing

dispersal' later hit me and I decided to focus on

gathering/uniting energies instead.


A strange axis flip is occurring from the

Pentagrammaton weaving last year.

Several of the TOPY Pandrogyne mages who sent energy

from USA to Aust for that rite are now exactly one

year later (Samhain full moon) going to be in the

physical weaving at Mt Shasta. So I am compelled to

contact the initiates involved in the physical weaving

last year (Pent'n) to complete the pattern by sending

energy from Aust. next full moon (Oct. 24th) to us at

Mt Shasta.

Another great link: Our Kether initiate, Enrique -a

Mexican who was in the Pentagrammaton-sending circle

last year- is really into 13 and has a 13-star

tattooed on his chest -seeds of 13-star weaving

(global Manipura working -see laid in

foundation of 10*! He is even thinking of being the

Amerindian representative in the 13* weaving in Aust

next year.

Tis an astral/physical world wide web unravelling...



9th Oct Nu Moon


Horus-Maat Lodge/Flock/TOPY Pandrogyne/Order ov

ChAos/Sekhet-Maat Oasis OTO/IOT local convergence

linked in with global Horus-Maat Lodge 11* working

(see .


Om Kali Durgay Namoh Namah! Sa Sekhem SaHu! Io


What a fucking intense circle!

At the two previous circles towards the Mt Shasta

working few Flock members were able to attend due to

work, etc. Last night I got to see and feel the Flock

as a group in action, combined with the energies of

the other (multi-initiated) mages I have been working

with in this area (Portland and Vancouver).


I placed a Dhurga (it being the day of the year

hindis worldwide invoke her energy) poster, the

Strength/Lust card

from my Book ov ChAos and the counterbalancing

Temphioth reflex card from Linda's Nightside Tarot on

the altar.

As people were gathering I met Two Feathers/Later.

He looked and felt just like I glimpsed from Aust.

several nu moons back.

Sienna found a spider weaving in the temple as the

circle formed. After some warmup drumming I overviewed

the Shasta

working for those less familiar with it, and

discussion merged with developing a very basic

framework for the evening.

It was interesting how the symbols and talismans

converged in the centre of the Temple floor. I had

planned on sanctifying some fiery liquor in the names

of Durga and Sekhmet, and the traditional yantra for

this process is a simple triangle within a circle

inwhich the chalice is charged. So when Sienna began

drawing the HML sigil in centre-floor it seemed

obvious to use this. She handed me the owlfeather

inkquill to draw the feather in the triangle, but I

placed the quill itself there instead, after drawing

the N'aton (a name in Maat Magick for the awakening

collective consciousness) bindrune next to it.

All fifteen of us joined hands and began deep

breathing. I saw/felt a band of rainbow colours

encircling our circle beneath the floorboards, the

energy of the earthserpent. We began the chakra

toning. This has been our main unifying gnosis in the

Shasta circles. The chakra tones are an excellent way

for non-local participants to tune in to the (Oct

24th) working at Mt Shasta. THe chakra tones, and can

be found at

United and high from powerful resonance of the

extended group toning, we then lapsed into silent

meditation visualizing the HML sigil and N'aton

bindrune. I saw that the rainbow band of energy had

raised up out of the earth and now sat in a spectrum

band thru our bodies. I saw strands of light

connecting all our chakra points. Some were

clearer/stronger than others, some barely perceptible,

so the overall web looked a bit askew. Then it somehow

resolved itself in my mindseye into the Shri Yantra

-symbol of the 15 emanations of Shakti/Goddess. How

apt, for the Durga day is only the first of a ten

(Malkuth!)-day Hindu celebration of the many forms of

Goddess. And there were 15 of us.

The central triangle of the Shri Yantra intersects

with a bindu point rather than an inverse triangle

like the others. This central triangle was, of course,

the HML sigil drawn in the centre of the temple floor,

intersecting the bindu/yod (nice connection Aion!) of

the N'aton bindrune!

I became aware of my Merkabah field, then to varying

degrees of clarity those of others in the circle.

THese spun and tumbled into the yantra, which rippled

with energy, forming into various 3dimensional

geometric light web morphing patterns between us all.

After some time I sensed restlessness in some of the

circle and slowly began the Durga chant -Om

Kali-Dhurgay Namoh Namah! As this gradually picked up

numbers, energy and speed we stood and broke hands.

Drums began to roll, tambourines shuddered and the

chant shifted and harmonized between the Durga mantra

and Sa Sekhem Sa Hu! -Sekhem is the firey energy of

this current, deified as Sekmet or Sekhet, in much the

same way as Shakti is the energy essence manifesting

thru the forms of the ten Mahavidya -in fact Shakti

and Sekhmet as Energy have the same linguistic roots.

Thus I sanctified the liquor (an appropriately fiery

pepper vodka) with both Hindu and Egyptian mantras in

the Hindu Yantra for Shakti fire-liquor, drawing a

circle with the Maat quill around the Horus red

triangle. In this with Trihandha mudra I charged the

chalice of fire, a large buffalo drinking-horn (Red

Indian, Norse and Pan-ic aspects implicit). I dipped

the quill in this horn, astounded at how previous nu

moon visions I had had in Australia were suddenly

reified talismanically in this circle -the quill of

Maat in the chalice of Babalon, containing the fiery

liquor of Sekhem/Shakti! SekhMaat!

As the drums and chanting (freeform elements

interweaving with the mantras) gathered tempo and

momentum, I could feel the energy pulsing in the

central mandala thru the turning chalice; I completed

the ceremony and lifted the horn high. One swig and I

felt totally charged with intense Shakti. I began an

Ophidian dance, spine tingling. THis picked up into a

circumnambulation of the central yantra, joined by

Enrique (Kether in the 10*). We ran around and around,

faster and faster with the drums pounding and the

voices wailing in a blur around us. I don't think I've

ever ran around in small circles that ridiculously

fast (Sa Sekhmet!) without losing my Balance (Io

Maat!)!! An intense vortex formed.

This crescendoed until we spun out (literally) from

the sheer centrifugal force generated. I prostrated

before the yantra, grounding the energy down into the

earth, joined in this by various others. Over the next

hour or two or three (?) the music, dancing and energy

shifted and morphed through many different

atmospheres, lulling into deep bassy earth sounds then

spinning back into firey durges and spins, with

violins and didge counterpointing the percussion and

voices at times. The firesnake was rampant!

Garret's intense barking on Didgeridoo towards the

end tweaked some deep memory in my brain and I began

chanting what sounded like Aboriginal songs. A final

tempestuous crescendo of sound broke those who

remained in the circle.


I remained in the Laughing Bird store temple

performing three HML/Order ov ChAos combined

initiations for Portland people in the charged space.

These were of course thus very potent!


Tonight the thrones have been consolidated. We have

11 initiates for the Mt Shasta weaving, plus one

reserve. They can now begin invoking and working with

their chosen sephiroth on a daily basis in the two

weeks remaining until the weaving. 'Nother circle



Om Kali-Durgay Namoh Namah!

Sa Sekhem SaHu!

Io Babalon!



21st OCT

After a brief foray in Seattle I returned to the

Portland/Vancouver Nexus in time for another circle

for the tenstar. There was also a circle while I was

in Seattle, as it had reached a stage where I no

longer needed to be there. Aion, Shade and I tuned in

to that circle from Seattle with chakra chanting and a

chakra puja, I caught a brief flash of the circle.

Several days later I had it confirmed that for the

first time all ten people in the weaving were there

-and I, of course, was NOT!

I had fun hanging out with Aion and Shade and spent

several sleepless nights submerged in Mr.Hod's

extensive library -some of which I managed to pillage

via photocopier. Reading some of the old Mandragore

and Cincinatti journal HML stuff and chatting with

these founding mages of the double current made me

realize how much of what I'm doing now, and of what

we're all doing now, is a continuation of the

foundations laid in the 70s and 80s. The amount of

strange interconnecting threads has been boggling my

little mind somewhat. I am in awe at the intricacy of

the webs through timemit, forward kcab dna. Lots of

stuff culminating in the 10* formation it seems.

One of the things that really warped my head was the

application by Nema of the lines of AL III, 34 ('fresh

fever...Hrumachis shall arise...'etc.) to the concept

of N'aton in an old Mandragore magazine, confirming my

own transmission regarding such in 'The Book of Going

Back by Night'.


Aion took me to awesome icecaves in the

Cascade Mountains -not rock caves with

icicles as I had expected but actual tunnels through

gigantic solid-ice glaciers on the side of the

mountain. Cold, shimmering, dripping... I charged my

new Ekudanta DraQyl shortstaff in the ice roof,

balancing the fire charge I gave it at Mt.St. Helens



Tara puja with Aion and Shade on Sun 17th, then back

to Portland in time for the semi-final Shasta circle

at Sienna's Laughing Bird Store/Temple: Practicalities

worked out, many thanks to Sienna's Malkuthian

persistence there! Energy rising, good connections.

Most involved seem really committed to the project,

invoking and meditating on their chosen sephiroth


Attended gnostic mass last night hosted by the

Sekhet Maat Oasis of the OTO.

Lots of inspiration coming through. I've realized

that 'The Book of Going Back by Night' is actually

only the first Chapter thereof, and I think there's

another beginning to come through...

Then earlier tonight, at the final ten-star circle

before leaving for the mountain tomorrow, everything

went completely haywire!



Yesterday when I found out Alex couldn't make it over

to the US from the Netherlands in time for the 10*,

it was disappointing -but

Sienna was our 'reserve Sephiroth' for the weaving.

Then she informed me that she too felt she

couldn't/shouldn't come to Mt Shasta due to home and

shop commitments. Okay, difficult but this could

probably be handled also, as there was someone who had

been at most of the circles who would probably be

willing to be woven in.

The circle began with Grey Wolf apologizing that

something major has come up requiring his attention in

Vancouver this weekend. We were still trying to get

around this one when two other Flock representatives

also pulled out of the weaving. Sienna's told you all

that they're a closely-linked group, but this was


Things seemed bleak it being so close to the working

which the rest of us have been putting so much time

and energy into, but Zygoat reminded me of my own

chaosmagic motto, 'Adapt to be adept' and we persisted

in trying to resolve the situation.


Incredibly, a new formation emerged from the chaotic

dissension. Several people who have been at most of

the circles and were planning on coming to the

mountain but were not going to be part of the weaving

have offered to be, our photographer became

(appropriatetly) Hod, and Enrique(Kether)'s old friend

Gaudi turned up to fill the other gap (appropriately,

Chokmah!). We still have one Flock representative, Ash

in Binah. I actually feel better about this new

formation than the previous one, as it seems do most

involved. It seems we have broken through the Apophis

ordeal and are reborn - just in time! Seems it is

meant to be, after all!


After chanting (DAT-recorded by Yi for a

synchronized chakra-orientated gig in Portland while

we're at Mt Shasta), most of us headed over for a free

sauna via Trevis' job, where we sweated out any

remaining tensions from the ordeal and emerged afresh

to head south to Mt Shasta tomorrow.

I did a bit too much pranayama in the sauna and was

floored by a subsequent kundalini rush, but feel

better for it now!

Since then I've been madly doing all the final

i-net-working for the various groups and individuals

tuning in astrally/translocally to the global

Muladhara rite.

GLOBAL MULADHARA WORKING -Mt SHASTA Oct. 24th -Report of the Tenstar Weaving.