INSPIRALink Multimedia Press LAUNCH Pictures

THE BIRTH of the iNSPiRALink. Multimedia PRESS (IMPress) was celebrated with the Launch of our first publication, 'EMIT fo YROTSREH FIERB A' -A fully illustrated treatise on Time, Fate and Arachnean Magicks by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule.

The Official Launch of the Book and IMPress at THE CAPE LOUNGE in Melbourne on the EquinoxuliuqE (March 21st) 2oo3 was a fiery and surreal night of magick music and theatre.

Here are some photographs from the event, taken by Rachel . The low shutterspeed (due to dim lighting and movement) created some interesting warps...

Phoebe as the Weaver, Lachesis. Orryelle on violin, Sha on cello.

Carmen as the Spinner, Clotho, at the front of the Arachnid Chaosclock

As the ritual theatre prepared for the launch came together so well, the selected verses from the 'emit fo yrotsreH feirb A' book translating quite naturally into ritual theatre, METAMORPHIC RITUAL THEATRE Co. performed it again as a cohesive play for one night only at The Carlton Courthouse Theatre, together with a solo semi-improvisational piece by Orryelle on Moonday the 31st of March, the dark moon culmination of this moonth of lunar adoration within The Order of ChAOS.
Click Here for some wonderful photos & video stills (selected by Orryelle from footage by Peter Haren) from the event:

Tessa as Atropos is the last to turn as the Third Gate to form the Three Fates at the Crossroads glyph (with the Fourth Invisible yet Implicate) from the Book 'EMIT fo YROTSREH FEIRB A'.

3 views of 3 Fates merged, in Arachnean form8tion

Tessa in several phases of possession by Atropos HecAte

Karl dances with his Fate, mates with his Fate and is ultimately consumed by it, BeComing Shiva whom Kali dances upon.
See the extract from 'EMIT fo YROTSREH FEIRB A' which this expressed

The final bow. Well actually the final Bes-Kali AHA Mudra-Mantra


FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE BOOK this theatre is based upon, click on the cover image or title below:


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